
Movie category of the week: Disney Renaissance movies

The Disney Renaissance refers to an era from 1989-1999 during which Walt Disney Animation Studios returned to making more musical animated films that were mostly based on well-known stories, and it allowed Disney’s animated films to become powerhouse successes at the domestic and foreign box office; making much more profit than most of the other Disney films of the past eras. (x) (x)

The animated films released during this period include: The Little Mermaid (1989), The Rescuers Down Under (1990), Beauty and the Beast (1991), Aladdin (1992), The Lion King (1994), Pocahontas (1995), The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996), Hercules (1997), Mulan (1998) and Tarzan (1999).


*not exhaustive

If you’re feeling sad or suicidal, please tell someone. Pick up a phone and call someone. Nowadays SOS has text and e-mail befriending, depending on where you live. Don’t give up; you are loved.


The best thing about Finding Dory was that almost every character, outside of Dory’s parents, has a disability. Dory has short-term memory loss. Nemo has his famous small fin. Destiny is extremely near sighted, nearly blind,. Bailey’s sonar doesn’t work all of the time. Hank lost an arm. You could even say that Marlin suffers from PTSD and anxiety. And none of these things stops or halts the character at all. And I think that is fucking fantastic.