
if you want a perfect illustration of intersectionality, pay attention to how leslie jones is being treated in comparison to her white costars

she’s fielding the sexism and misogyny being directed at all of the women in ghostbusters, as well as virulent anti black racism

she’s getting twice as much hate simply because she’s a black woman

i’m waiting for people to get as fired up about this as they do when misogynists attack the white women in the cast


Movie category of the week: Disney Renaissance movies

The Disney Renaissance refers to an era from 1989-1999 during which Walt Disney Animation Studios returned to making more musical animated films that were mostly based on well-known stories, and it allowed Disney’s animated films to become powerhouse successes at the domestic and foreign box office; making much more profit than most of the other Disney films of the past eras. (x) (x)

The animated films released during this period include: The Little Mermaid (1989), The Rescuers Down Under (1990), Beauty and the Beast (1991), Aladdin (1992), The Lion King (1994), Pocahontas (1995), The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996), Hercules (1997), Mulan (1998) and Tarzan (1999).



This scene will forever be the most important scene in any movie to me.  This is a little girl who has been told all her life by her parents that she is a mistake and that she is worthless.  This is a little girl whose family life is so horrible that books are her only escape.  This is a little girl whose parents constantly belittle her for reading, the only pleasure in life she has.  And in this scene, this little girl answers very shyly, because she has been conditioned to be embarrassed of her own existence.  At first, she answers slowly, and without making eye contact. And in this scene this little girl is beginning to realize that maybe she is special.  Maybe there are kind people in the world.  Maybe she is worth something.

Matilda is honestly one of my favorite movies




I’m going to see ghostbusters at least 3 times to spite the haters

If you want to throw your money away on a soulless cash-grab of a movie with a political agenda, that’s your business.  I doubt anyone even cares enough to try and stop you.  Have fun!

4 times.